Inspirations beyond borders

Discover our enriching inspirations from all four corners of the world.


Inspirations beyond borders

Discover our enriching inspirations from all four corners of the world.

Choose the inspiration that motivates you to live a unique experience outside your comfort zone.

Nouvelles inspirations

  • Don't play with the shaman's feathers

    vec vos propres mots, décrivez les répercussions à court terme de vos limitations intrinsèques, aussi bien sur vous-même que sur vos relations et votre environnement. Réfléchissez également à l’impact du mimétisme social : en restant enfermé dans ces limitations, comment influencez-vous (ou êtes-vous influencé par) les autres ?

  • Visit to Quarries in Soissonnais

    Take a look at the custom projects we've created for ourselves or our customers, and see for yourself.

  • In the heart of the Abbey of Valsery

  • Discovering the forest with Émilie Jeannesson


Reinvent yourself differently

Take a look at the custom projects we've created for ourselves or our customers, and see for yourself.

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